Think you’re brave enough? Take your game to the next level by introducing these 110 Dares for Truth or Dare into the mix!
Whether you’re playing in a group or just with one other person, these exciting dares bring excitement to the game. Prepare to get the most out of your game with these daring tasks, think you can face them all?
Ready for an adventure in entertainment? Uncover the secrets of a perfect Truth or Dare game and a curated list of questions for all ages.
Play Truth or Dare online
If you need help coming up with ideas, don’t worry! We’ve got an online version of the game featuring plenty of dares to choose from.
Our online version features a catalog of over 1,000 Truth or Dare questions and tasks, ranging from the tame to the outrageous. All you need to do is pick a category and choose the best dare for your group of players.
Whether you’re looking for something light-hearted or downright daring, you’ll find all the ideas you need to make your game unforgettable.
What are good dares for Truth or Dare?
Playing Truth or Dare successfully is all about having the right balance of questions and tasks. When you think of dares, here are a few tips to keep in mind:
- Tip 1: Pick dares that everyone can participate, regardless of age or ability.
- Tip 2: Don’t pick too easy or hard dares – keep them challenging but feasible.
- Tip 3: Ensure the tasks are appropriate for the setting and all players involved.
- Tip 4: Try mixing things up by coming up with physical and mental dares.
- Tip 5: Finally, always ensure everyone is having fun and playing safely!
With these tips, you can start playing Truth or Dare safely and confidently. So why not try it with our 110 Dares for Truth or Dare? Let the games begin!
Good dares for Truth or Dare

Feeling brave? Here are some examples of good dares for Truth or Dare that you can use in your game.
1. Give a piggyback ride to the person on your left.
Sounds fun!
2. Call a random number and sing “Happy Birthday” to the person who answers.
Don’t call the police!
3. Take a selfie with the person across from you.
Smile for the camera!
4. Do 10 jumping jacks and then hop on one foot for 30 seconds.
Time to get your cardio in!
5. Tell the group a secret you’ve never told anyone before.
Ready to spill the beans?
6. Do a silly dance in the middle of a public place.
Let loose and bust a move!
7. Eat a spoonful of a condiment you dislike.
Challenge your taste buds!
8. Give a dramatic reading of a nursery rhyme.
Get your acting skills ready!
9. Swap clothes with the person on your right.
Time to mix up your wardrobe!
10. Speak in a foreign accent for the next two rounds.
Embrace your inner actor!
11. Text your crush and confess your feelings.
Time to take a leap of faith!
12. Sing a song in a language you don’t know.
Let the gibberish flow!
13. Do a handstand against the wall for 30 seconds.
Upside-down fun!
14. Recite the alphabet backward as fast as you can.
Challenge your memory!
15. Speak in rhyme for the next three rounds.
Get poetic with your words!
16. Give a foot massage to the person on your left.
Relaxation time!
17. Let the group style your hair however they want.
Prepare for a wild look!
18. Do a plank for one minute.
Feel the burn!
19. Give a random person on the street a high-five.
Spread some joy!
20. Create a funny TikTok dance and perform it for the group.
Get your dance moves ready!
21. Eat a spoonful of hot sauce without drinking anything.
Feel the heat!
22. Let someone draw a mustache on your face with a marker.
Embrace your inner artist!
23. Do 20 push-ups in a row.
Show off your strength!
24. Sing a song in the style of your favorite artist.
Channel your musical idol!
25. Tell a joke and make everyone laugh.
Be the comedian of the group!
26. Give a heartfelt compliment to each person in the room.
Spread some positivity!
27. Do a cartwheel or a somersault.
Show off your acrobatic skills!
28. Walk around with a sock puppet on your hand and have a conversation with it.
Get silly with your puppet friend!
29. Eat a spoonful of a mix of ingredients chosen by the group.
Prepare for a unique taste experience!
30. Do a karaoke performance of your favorite song.
Time to sing your heart out!
Delve into our compilation of the best Truth or Dare questions, ensuring your game night is filled with laughter, surprises, and shared moments.
Amazing dares for Truth or Dare with friends

Are you looking for more daring dares? Here are some great Truth or Dare ideas that will make your game even more exciting.
1. Send your crush a confession text and follow it up with a “Oops, wrong number”.
Not for the faint of heart!
2. Call a random person and ask them to tell you a joke.
Let’s hope they have a good sense of humor.
3. Spin around in circles ten times and then walk in a straight line.
Easy does it!
4. Drink a glass of soda in 10 seconds.
Ready, set, go!
5. Close your eyes and trust the person to your left to draw something on your face.
It could be anything!
6. Do a dance-off with another player and let the group decide the winner.
Show off your best moves!
7. Put on a blindfold and taste-test three different foods to guess what they are.
Test your taste buds!
8. Do a handstand against the wall for as long as you can hold it.
Find your balance!
9. Speak in a funny accent for the next three rounds.
Get creative with your voice!
10. Give a piggyback ride to the person of your choice for one lap around the room.
Time to carry someone on your back!
11. Act out a famous movie scene and let the group guess which movie it’s from.
Bring the big screen to life!
12. Do a cartwheel or a somersault across the room.
Show off your gymnastic skills!
13. Sing a song in the style of a famous singer or band.
Channel your inner rockstar!
14. Wear your clothes inside out for the rest of the game.
Show off your fashion-forward style!
15. Stand on one leg for one minute without losing your balance.
Test your stability!
16. Take a funny selfie with a stranger and send it to the group.
Capture a hilarious moment with a random person!
17. Let the group give you a funny makeover using only household items.
Prepare for a wacky transformation!
18. Do ten push-ups or sit-ups right now.
Feel the burn!
19. Do a handstand and spell your name with your feet.
Challenge your flexibility!
20. Eat a spoonful of a condiment that you dislike.
Conquer your taste buds!
21. Balance a spoon on your nose for one minute.
Master the art of spoon balancing!
22. Do a silly dance in a public place for 30 seconds.
Spread some laughter to strangers!
23. Speak in slow motion for the next three rounds.
Take your time with your words!
24. Let the group choose a funny ringtone for your phone for the rest of the game.
Prepare for some unexpected tunes!
25. Hold your breath for as long as you can.
Test your lung capacity!
26. Wear your shoes on the wrong feet for the rest of the game.
Walk a mile in discomfort!
27. Do a plank for one minute without dropping to your knees.
Strengthen your core!
28. Sing a song backward and try to get the group to guess what it is.
Challenge their listening skills!
29. Do 20 jumping jacks in a row.
Get your heart rate up!
30. Act out a famous movie quote and let the group guess which movie it’s from.
Bring iconic lines to life!
31. Do a handstand against the wall and recite the alphabet backward.
Upside-down challenges!
32. Speak in a foreign accent for the next round.
Impersonate someone from another country!
33. Do a trust fall with a friend and let them catch you.
Build trust and have some fun!
34. Put on a blindfold and try to draw a picture of yourself.
See how well you know your face!
35. Balance a spoon on your nose and walk in a straight line.
Master the art of multitasking!
36. Do a silly dance and get everyone in the room to join in.
Start a spontaneous dance party!
37. Wear your clothes backward for the rest of the game.
Embrace a fashion faux pas!
38. Give someone a piggyback ride and race against another pair.
Compete in a piggyback race!
39. Do a handstand and recite a tongue twister without losing your balance.
Challenge your coordination and speech!
40. Swap clothes with another player for the next round.
Try on a new style and see how it suits you!
Fun dares for Truth or Dare for teens

Can you handle a few more dares? Here are some great Truth or Dare ideas perfect for teens.
1. Drink a glass of water without using your hands.
Time to get creative!
2. Give a stranger on the street a compliment.
Spread some kindness!
3. Tell everyone in the group something that you’ve never told anyone else.
Get ready for some revelations!
4. Wear any article of clothing from anyone in the group.
Ready to take fashion risks?
5. Give someone in the group a piggyback ride.
A classic dare!
6. Do the chicken dance in a public place.
Get ready to strut your stuff!
7. Eat a spoonful of hot sauce or chili pepper.
Spice things up!
8. Speak in a foreign accent for the next three rounds.
Time to show off your language skills!
9. Do a handstand against the wall for 30 seconds.
Upside down fun!
10. Take a selfie with a stranger and strike a funny pose.
Capture the moment with a twist!
11. Eat a spoonful of a condiment you dislike.
Challenge your taste buds!
12. Do a cartwheel or somersault in an open area.
Show off your acrobatic skills!
13. Sing a song in public without caring about what others think.
Embrace your inner rockstar!
14. Recreate a famous movie scene with your friends.
Lights, camera, action!
15. Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger.
Spread the love!
16. Walk backward for the next five minutes.
Watch where you’re going!
17. Speak in rhymes for the next three rounds.
Get ready to rap!
18. Stand on one leg for as long as you can.
Test your balance!
19. Do the macarena in a crowded area.
Get the party started!
20. Give a heartfelt compliment to each person in the group.
Spread positive vibes!
21. Speak in a whisper for the next five minutes.
Keep it hush-hush!
22. Dance like nobody’s watching to a random song on the street.
Let loose and have fun!
23. Sing a karaoke song of the group’s choice.
Time to showcase your singing skills!
24. Put on a blindfold and guess the object by touch alone.
Challenge your senses!
25. Strike a yoga pose and hold it for 30 seconds.
Find your inner zen!
26. Have a water balloon or squirt gunfight with the group.
Cool off with some water fun!
27. Imitate a celebrity who has just won an award and is giving an acceptance speech.
Get ready to entertain!
28. Balance a spoon on your nose for 1 minute.
Keep your nose steady!
29. Write and perform a short rap about a random object.
Get your rhymes flowing!
30. Have a staring contest with the person across from you.
Don’t blink!
31. Make a tower out of playing cards as tall as you can
Test your engineering skills!
32. Read the last text message you got out loud.
Hopefully nothing embarrassing!
33. Speak in a high-pitched voice for the next three rounds.
Get ready for some squeaky conversations!
34. Show the group the last picture from your gallery.
No backing out!
35. Use your non-dominant hand for the next five minutes.
Try something new!
36. Tell the worst joke you know.
Get ready for some crickets!
37. Do the moonwalk down a hallway or sidewalk.
Channel your inner Michael Jackson!
38. Imitate a person from the group. The others have to guess who you are.
The stage is yours!
39. Sell an imaginary product to the group.
Get your marketing skills on!
40. Let the youngest person in the group send a 😘 emoji to anyone in your contacts.
A little innocent mischief!
Wondering how to spice up your text conversations? Dive into our curated list of dares for Truth or Dare over text, guaranteed to bring a playful and entertaining twist to your messaging adventures.